Author: Diane
Selby Phab trip to Scotland
Members of Selby Phab Club travelled to Strathpeffer in Scotland for a wonderful short break. They went with Shearings Holidays and stayed at the Highlands hotel which is a lovely old château. Whilst away they toured all around the highlands and visited Loch Ness, the Firth of Morey and the Firth of Forth and travelled…
Stephen Dingley is Volunteer of the Month
Phab’s Volunteer of the Month – Stephen Dingley from Berkshire Phab! Stephen has volunteered in their kitchen for many years and has obtained his level 2 food safety award during that time. He has served more lunches than he can probably remember! Stephen joined the Phab family over 15 years ago when he joined the…
Mick Oxley is Volunteer of the Month
Mick Oxley of I AM Phab Bebington has been a member of Phab for many years. He was originally a member of the Birkenhead Phab Club and joined I AM Phab Bebington about four years ago. He has been a very valuable member by helping out in the club setting up Phab activities and…
Help Phab to win £1,000 at Christmas
You can actively support Phab’s work making a real difference to the lives of disabled and non-disabled children, young people and adults by nominating Phab in the Ecclesiastical Insurance 12 days of giving campaign and helping us to win £1,000! Just go to and complete the short nomination form. You’ll need our charity number…
Phab’s Volunteer Awards at House of Lords
Phab’s annual Volunteer Awards Reception took place in the Cholmondeley Room at The House of Lords, Westminster, on October 16th to acknowledge the outstanding contribution to Phab from 20 nominated volunteers from across England and Wales. The event was kindly hosted by Phab’s Vice President, Baroness Campbell of Surbiton. John Corless, Chairman of Phab, warmly…
BBC Children in Need support Phab
BBC Children in Need have awarded an amazing three year grant to Phab to help deliver our Inclusive Living Experience Residential Projects in 2018, 2019 and 2020! This annual and very generous grant of £45,000 for the next three years means that we can organise our very special programme of ILX Projects well ahead…
Santander support Phab’s ILX Projects
The Santander Foundation has awarded a very generous Discovery Grant of £5,000 to support Phab’s Inclusive Living Experience Residential Projects Programme this year. Around 115 children and young people who are disabled or disadvantaged in some way will attend Phab’s very special ILX Projects, held at fully accessible outdoor activity centres in the New Forest…
Phab Wings on Tour completed
Over the summer of 2018, Phab partnered with Freedom in the Air, a not-for-profit organisation working to give children, young people and adults with disabilities the opportunity to pilot a plane. Phab Wings On Tour took off from four locations around the country to offer this amazing experience to our Phab Members. We had 80…
Phab Wings on Tour
Thanks to generous funding from The Florian Charitable Trust, Phab and Freedom in the Air are touring the UK during summer 2018 to provide free flying experiences to around 160 Phab members. The tour kicked off on the Royal Wedding Day 19th May at City Airport, Manchester and our excellent pilots and fleet were provided…
Archie’s Story
Archie attended the Phab Family Weekend along with his Mum, Dad and two brothers. Archie is 9 years old and was born with Cri du Chat Syndrome. They all commented that it was a great experience to spend time together doing the same activities. Lisa (Mum) commented that because of Archie’s needs, the three brothers…