Phab Wings on Tour

Thanks to generous funding from The Florian Charitable Trust, Phab and Freedom in the Air are touring the UK during summer 2018 to provide free flying experiences to around 160 Phab members.

The tour kicked off on the Royal Wedding Day 19th May at City Airport, Manchester and our excellent pilots and fleet were provided by LAC Flying School.  With perfect weather conditions our Phab pilots and passengers had a bird’s eye view of Manchester and an amazing time was had by all.

Learning to fly is not just for the wealthy and the Phab Wings on Tour event is a wonderful opportunity to introduce flying to disabled or disadvantaged people. A day in a light aircraft, safely taking control of the plane for a short period of time is a life changing experience and enables people to feel they can reach for the skies and achieve virtually anything.

Further flying days are taking place over the summer at airfields at Tatenhill, Redhill and Elstree, and to see how everyone got on at Tatenhill on 9th June see our Facebook page here.




