• Re-introducing the Phab Gold rose

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    Re-introducing the Phab Gold rose

    The Phab Gold rose (AKA Frybountiful) was bred by Fryer’s Roses in Knutsford, Cheshire and launched at the Chelsea Flower Show in May 1998 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Phab. More than a quarter of a century later, Phab is delighted to re-introduce the ‘Phab Gold’ Floribunda Rose! For every…

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“The experiences that Harriet has at Phab are having a huge impact on her whole development. A huge thank you to everyone who makes that possible.”

“This adventure gave Sarah time to grow and realise that being away from home is normal. So when she gets into her adulthood it won’t be so scary.”

“My daughter doesn’t get to go out to play with the local children and doesn’t get invited to many parties – but all of these things she enjoys at Phab.”

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