Our sincere and grateful thanks to our wonderful runners who took part in and completed the Virgin Money London Marathon held on Sunday 23rd April. Thankfully we were blessed with a dry day and perfect running conditions.
As in previous years we were privileged to be allowed to use the wonderful facilities at The Storeyard in St James’s Park where we welcomed our runners who completed the 26.2 miles. The runners were provided with hot showers, massage and refreshments at The Storeyard, a haven of peace away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds. Huge thanks as always to The Royal Parks for allowing us to use t facilities at The Storeyard and to Dan Scott for providing the team of massage therapists who worked tirelessly on our weary runners. Our team of staff and volunteers extended a warm and enthusiastic welcome to our runners and their loved ones. Many runners have supported Phab previously and whilst a massive thank you goes to them for their continued support we offer sincere thanks and appreciation to runners who ran for Phab for the first time. All our runners are truly amazing and should be so proud of their own personal achievement in completing the London Marathon.
One of our annual supporters Ian Tilley ran his 20th and last London Marathon on 23rd July having run every consecutive London Marathon since he first ran in 1998 and always in support of Phab. Ian has now hung up his marathon shoes and everyone at Phab send him our deepest and sincerest appreciation for everything he has done to support us over a span of 20 years.
Many of our first time supporters came from far afield and we were delighted to welcome runners from Greece, Taiwan, Spain, Hong Kong, Western Australia, Argentina, Peru, Israel, India, Slovakia, USA, and Singapore. Phab are so grateful to them for travelling great distances to be part of one of the greatest of the marathons across the world.
An important part of marathon day is that our runners are supported along the 26.2 mile course and I am delighted to say we had several cheering points along the route with enthusiastic and more importantly very vocal supporters. We could always have more groups along the marathon route and if you would like to be part of the support team next year Janine Williams would welcome hearing from you either by email janine@phabkids.co.uk or call 01825 749826. The Virgin Money London Marathon 2018 will be held on Sunday 22nd April.