Please help us to make a real difference to the lives of disabled and non-disabled people of all ages and ask for a donation to be given to Phab rather than a festive gift.
Rising energy bills will be the principal source of pain in the UK this winter. The problem is the spiralling cost of living, whilst household’s average energy bills are already showing a hefty increase on the prior year, to an eye-watering level.
Everyone will be affected, but life costs more for disabled people and their families, spending more on vital goods and services. These extra costs mean disabled people have less money in their pocket than non-disabled people, or go without non-essentials such as respite.
Your kind and generous donation will help us support many disabled and non-disabled children and young adults from disadvantaged backgrounds, from attending one of our Phabulous clubs where young people make friends, learn to live and have fun with their life to experiencing one of our unique residential projects with physical, educational and social activities at fully accessible centres in England.
You can donate online, by text, by post, by card, when you are online shopping or in memory of a loved one.
Thank You