The President, Patron, Trustees and all members of Phab send their greatest sympathy to Her Majesty the Queen and The Royal Family following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh on 9th April 2021.
Members of Prince Philip Centre Phab Club in Leeds remembered with great sadness, but also with many wonderful memories, the three visits which HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh made to the Club over the years. His Royal Highness had been involved from 1960 when money was raised to build the centre and sports fields for the young people of Leeds.
The Phab Club was established when the Centre opened and of course it was named Prince Philip Centre Phab Club.
Prince Philip’s most recent visit to the Phab Club was ten years ago, in March 2011, to celebrate the Club’s 40th Anniversary where he unveiled a commemorative plaque and was introduced to Phab members and guests by Mike Ball, Club Chairman and Ann Hart, Secretary. Visiting every table, he chatted informally to members leaving each group smiling and laughing. It is a day they will never forget.
Over the years, many Phab members and volunteers have greatly benefitted from the incredible opportunities afforded by the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme.
Here are some of their stories:
“Whilst a member of Epsom & Ewell Phab Club I participated in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. This was a huge undertaking for me, living with a physical disability, limited strength and walking capabilities. The expeditions were intense but Phab really helped me through it. I learnt circus skills for my Silver and went on to teach others those skills at Phab Club as part of my Gold service once I was old enough to become a helper. It was through my continuing work at Epsom & Ewell Phab Club that I was invited to attend a function for young volunteers.
I will never forget that day – I had the honour of sitting next to His Royal Highness The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh throughout the meal. Prince Philip was charming, attentive and we discussed many things. He was such a gentleman, seeing to my seat himself. What was very noticeable was throughout lunch, he always had a watchful eye on The Queen, seated on the next table along and that, I think, sums up Prince Philip in my eyes – he saw to his duty throughout. I will miss him, no doubt about it.
The skills and service I learned through the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, supported by my mentor and friends at Phab, had a huge impact in my life. For my Gold service I helped out at the local hospital radio; now I present on internet, community and a South-West London-based radio station. For my Gold physical activity, I was learning to canoe and kayak; I have now kayaked inland and coastal waters around the world. For my residential I went Tall Ship Sailing with the Jubilee Sailing Trust; now I have trained as a watch leader and I lead others onboard the ships, imparting my knowledge and guidance; I have been involved in Tall Ship races and even sailed around Cape Horn, all this stemmed from my experience of the Duke of Edinburgh Award through Epsom & Ewell Phab.”
Natalie, Epsom & Ewell Phab Club
“I was looking for a residential project to complete my Gold DofE in the summer of 2004. I found out about the Phab holidays via the internet and applied to volunteer at a week-long residential project for disabled and non-disabled young people at Bendrigg Lodge in the Lake District!
That project was such an amazing experience I had the Phab bug! I continued to volunteer on projects and joined Lyndon Phab Club in 2009.
In June 2014 I started Lickey Phab Club and we are still going strong!
Without the D of E award, I would never have found Phab which has given me the opportunity to meet so many people!”
Louise, Leader of Lickey Phab Club, Midlands
Eloise Doherty first volunteered on a Phab Holiday Project in 2015 at the age of 17 as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. To achieve her Gold Award, she had to complete a residential placement on a shared activity with people she didn’t know, and she chose Phab! She enjoyed the experience so much that she has returned as a Phab volunteer many times and will be taking part again this summer.
Eloise said, “it is hard to pick a favourite thing about volunteering, there have been so many special moments. The activities are fantastic – especially the zip wire, but my favourite might be the water fights we have – it is great to see everyone enjoy themselves in such a fun activity. I have made great friends with other volunteers, learned new skills and without doing my DofE I would never have realised the opportunities and fun that could be had through volunteering." Eloise is currently studying Medicine at Newcastle University.
“I first took part in Phab in the summer of 2017 as part of my Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, and since then I have attended many more of the summer residential projects in the Lake District. I am very grateful that I took part in Gold DofE as it opened up lots of opportunities to me, including Phab, that I may not have had otherwise and I have stayed involved ever since. I have made friends that I still keep in touch with now, and Phab has influenced my career choice for the future. I have also developed skills, such as communication and teamwork, that will benefit me throughout my life.”
Emily – Phab Residential Project Volunteer