For our members and supporters, please be assured that we are continuing to do all we can at Phab to keep you updated on Club news, our holiday projects, holiday homes and challenge events during these difficult times and as lockdown restrictions change, ease and change again.
We are in direct contact with Club Leaders to support them and their members during closures and, in time, as they re-open. We send them all our very best wishes and know Club Leaders and volunteers are continuing to go to remarkable lengths to keep their members in touch and supported, virtually and in any way they can.
Schools based Phab Clubs, including two new Clubs set up in just January and February, and their holiday projects are on hold for the moment. But we look forward to working closely with staff and students again as soon as it is safe and possible for their Clubs and holidays to re-start.
And we are in contact with individual families and those who had been offered places on our own holiday projects at Phab which have inevitably been delayed because of Coronavirus. Plans are in place to deliver these in the New Year and we will be keeping in close touch with all the families and young adults involved and with our generous funders too.
For those who had booked a week or two away at our wheelchair accessible holiday homes at Waterside Holiday Park in Weymouth, we were so pleased to be able to welcome everyone back when Waterside opened in July. To book one of Phab’s holiday homes, with special discounts for Phab members, call us on 020 8667 9443 and to find out about facilities at Waterside Holiday Park and what you can enjoy there, just go to…/we-re-looking-fo…/ .
And for those enthusiastic runners who had been training so hard to take part in the VirginMedia London Marathon originally scheduled for October, thank you so much for your perseverance and for your flexibility. Many of you took part in the replacement Virtual Marathon on 4th October and others will be taking part in future events. Our Challenge Events Team is remaining in close contact with everyone and we wish you all the very best of luck with your fundraising and your events themselves, virtual or otherwise, when you get there. We will support you every step of the way!
2nd November 2020