Holly’s story

“Holly came down the zip wire along with her oxygen cylinders strapped to the back of her harness!”

Holly has a very complex list of health needs.  She is unable to move any part of her body except her eyelids.  She has severe epilepsy, is oxygen-dependent, cannot regulate her body temperature and requires constant maintenance of her tracheotomy.  She can’t be left alone at all, so her parents must take it in turns to sleep so that one of them is always awake.

Despite the challenges facing the whole family, they do everything with enthusiasm and positivity.  They know that there is a chance that Holly may not live very long and are determined for her to try every opportunity offered.  Holly even came down the zip wire along with her oxygen cylinders strapped to the back of her harness!  The children all commented that it made her look like she was wearing a jet pack!