Hospital Saturday Fund supports Phab Projects

Phab are delighted to have received a generous donation of £2,000 from the Hospital Saturday Fund towards our 2019 programme of Inclusive Living Experience Residential Projects for children and young people. 

The HSF has supported Phab’s ILX Projects over many years, as well as kick-starting our fundraising campaign for a new wheelchair accessible holiday home to mark our 60th Anniversary in 2017, and they have helped us to make a real difference to the lives of so many children and young people during that time. 

Each year around 140 children and young people who are disabled or disadvantaged in some way are able to experience an exciting and challenging break away with Phab at fully accessible outdoor activity centres in the New Forest and Lake District, fully supported by a team of dedicated and enthusiastic Phab volunteers.   They return home to their families after their time away with Phab with increased confidence, self-belief and independence, having had great fun, made new friends and experienced all sorts of activities – from zip wire, abseiling , canoeing and archery to toasting marshmallows, karaoke and fancy dress party.   

Thank you to all our supporters who help to make these very special ILX Projects possible!