The Jo Webb Award was introduced in the Midlands Region to commemorate Jo’s 30 plus years of dedicated service, as a volunteer, to Phab in the Midlands. The Award goes to the person (or, exceptionally, people) from the Midlands Region who, in the opinion of the judges, has done the most to further Phab’s philosophy of ‘Making more of life together’. The winner has their name on a trophy, which they keep throughout the year, and the winner’s Phab club receives a bursary of £250.00.
For 2017 there were joint winners – Gwen Peat and Natalie Parr from Kenilworth Phab, pictured above with Jo’s parents and Alan Paver receiving the trophy at Wicksteed Park in June.
Gwen has been associated with Kenilworth Phab for over 25 years. She has served as Chairperson, Secretary, and has been Treasurer for over 10 years. She is the main organiser of the Club’s events, procures craft materials, books tickets, handles the formal paperwork and fields most of the members’ phone calls and queries. Gwen also does escort duty on the minibus, produces a monthly newsletter, the admin on the Club’s Facebook page (having created it in the first place), and gives lifts to members as required. She arranges the Club’s fundraising events, collects Tombola prizes, Gwen comes up with most of the Club’s fundraising ideas, applies for grants and is generally the prime mover behind the Club’s fundraising machine. It is through Gwen that the Club has developed links with other local organisations such as the Lions, the local town festival and others. Thanks to Gwen, the Club can boast that it pioneered the way for Phab to establish links with Universities. Through her endeavours and ongoing liaison, the Club has had Volunteer Support from Warwick University students for around 15 years.
Natalie has also been an excellent ambassador for her Phab Club over a period of many years, she never misses an opportunity to tell others about the Club and is always on the lookout for new projects and opportunities. Natalie’s art and craft skills come to the fore within the Club and she is prolific in making things to sell on fundraising stalls. Nat has serious health problems that leave her with little strength and with mobility problems that confine her to a wheelchair. But this doesn’t stop her being a leading light within her Phab Club. And neither does it stop her from also being an active member of the Girl Guide movement and an advisor on disability issues within that organisation. Despite her disabilities, Natalie pursues an active and interesting life, constantly seeking new adventures to defy her health limitations and setting herself new challenges. For example, earlier this year she went ‘Up and Over’ the Millennium Dome – in her wheelchair – as a sponsored fundraiser for the Club. Natalie is a fantastic role model for other members of the Kenilworth Phab Club.