New Project and Partnership for Phab

Phab has been invited by the ACT Foundation to become one of their selected Charity Partners, working even more closely with the Foundation to enhance the quality of life of disabled young adults.

The ACT Foundation has supported Phab for many years, with donations towards our Inclusive Living Experience Residential Projects for children and young people, and last year visited our Project taking place at Avon Tyrrell outdoor activity centre in the New Forest.  Following that visit the Foundation made a generous £10,000 general donation towards the 2019 ILX Projects and also invited Phab to put in a proposal for a new Project for disabled young people aged 18 to 25.

This has led to a further donation of £10,000 towards a new Transition Plus Project for this older age range.  This weekend Project will be held at Bendrigg Lodge’s fully accessible Outdoor Activity Centre in the Lake District and will enable young people to build their personal and practical skills, confidence and independence through a whole range of exciting and challenging activities and just having great fun together.

Phab is delighted to become a Charity Partner with the ACT Foundation and to be able, with their generous support, to develop the new Transition Plus Project.  We look forward to building a lasting relationship with the Foundation and together making a real difference to the lives and aspirations of many disabled young people in the years to come.

Note:  The ACT Foundation has recently changed its name to "The Edward Gostling Foundation" in memory of their founding Chairman and President Emeritus, Edward "Ted" Gostling CBE.  February 2019