Phab at the TCS London Marathon 2024

“On Sunday 21st April, after many months of training, fundraising and zoom chats with Phab, it was time for our 250 plus Phab runners to undertake the whopping 26.2 mile long London Marathon; known to many as their victory lap!

This year was the first time our Phab runners were wearing our brand new Phab vests, designed by Emma Karney; a design Student from Birmingham University and daughter of Phab’s Finance Officer Sue. The vests stand out really well amongst the crowds of runners and it was really easy to spot them on television too.

Every runner has their own story and has been on a journey with Phab from the minute they sign up.  All of the runners support each other and it makes Phab so proud to see the camaraderie between the runners, as they help each other out, whether that is nerves as to where to meet, where do I leave my bag and what happens afterwards. They really do become part of the Phab family. 


After the London Marathon, Phab is extremely fortunate to be able to hold a meet and greet in the Royal Park’s Offices in St James’ Park, where the runners can have some respit, enjoy a relaxing massage and celebrate their achievement with their friends and family and other Phab runners and supporters.

The masseur team are organised under the watchful eye of Laura Phillips; our co-ordinator, from the North London School of Massage therapists, as well as being a member of Mini Phab, the club in Epsom & Ewell all for toddlers. These therapists give their time freely and we are so incredibly grateful to them. Phab also providers an array of different snacks and beverages, all kindly donated by David Lunt at NBC Consortium, who has also taken parts in lots of different challenge events over the years for Phab as well. Thank you David!


One of our runners; Ryan McGuire, who is actually an elite runner, crossed the finishing line in an astonishing time of 2:54:54.  Ryan also happens to be on the Autistic Spectrum, and was paired with guide runner Darrel May of Raced Coaching, who was recommended to Ryan’s family by Phab runner and long-time supporter Craig Broadbent. A huge congratulations to the pair of them too.


Two weeks before the London Marathon, we also had even more Phabulous runners taking part in the London Landmarks Half Marathon; seeing them conquer 13 miles right through the heart of London. Lots of different Phab supporters and Phab staff were there cheering them all on from the sidelines, and a big big thank you everyone to took part.

We are so proud of each and every one of our runners this year; and if you’d like take part in one of our challenge events this year, which includes a wide array of events all around the country, you can find our full list of challenge events here"

Janine Williams

National Challenge Events and Development Manager