Phab Awards 2021
Watch a full recording of the event below:
Huge congratulations to all those nominees and winners of the Phab Awards 2021. The show was broadcast live from Bancroft’s School and presented by Mik Scarlet with a special message from Phab’s President, Anita Dobson. We are most grateful for the time given freely by the professional production team to put on this event – thank you so much.
We also know that there are many unsung heroes within all our Phab Clubs and our thanks go to you all for your commitment, energy and the fun and support you bring to all Phabbers everywhere.
The 2021 Winners and Nominees are:
Paul Hope Award
Craig & Marie Crawford – Leamington Phab WINNERS
Kathryn Baggot – Oxford Phab (Special Commendation)
Paul Coast – Leeds Phab (Special Commendation)
Jamie Lowbridge – Bradford Phab
Joe Maynard – Kaos Phab
Gill Bond – Bebington Phab
John Buckley – Bebington Phab
Marc Lowton – Bebington Phab
Stacey Nuttall – Oldham Phab
Louis Goldberg Award
Kelsey Hook – Phab Café/Shop WINNER
Luke & Cameron Strickett-Morling – Isle of Man Phab (Special Commendation)
Fran Sims – Kaos Phab (Special Commendation)
Emma Grace – Kaos Phab
Maisie Griffiths – Kaos Phab
Lord Morris of Manchester Award
University of Bristol Phab