“From the 8th – 14th July, 28 visiting guests, 49 Year 12 hosts and a moveable number of staff gathered to attend the 46th Westminster Phab, Phab on Philm, a film-themed week of fun and frolics. The hosts worked hard turning the boarding houses into wheelchair accessible bedrooms, and transforming a variety of other rooms into workshop spaces.
After some refresher training on the types of care they would be required to give, the hosts waited nervously in the rain for the guests to arrive… but once they did the week ramped right up and never calmed down – no time for nervousness now! One guest had spent the time since his last visit making loom band bracelets for everyone, and the hosts had fun making more in the mornings before breakfast, full of nostalgia for the activity.
During the week the fun never stopped, with workshops in drama, art, design and music, trips out to the local area and further afield to Greenwich, a visit to the theatre, a karaoke night, a movie night and, last but not least, our formal dinner and party on Saturday night, where several attendees were in full black tie.
The true culmination of the week was, as ever, our Sunday afternoon show attended by the many host and guest family members. The workshops told us about their week’s work, and music and drama performed their pieces to the delight, appreciation and occasional happy tears of the audience.
Phab is a wonderful, life-changing, exhausting week. I feel privileged to have been involved in it for the last eight years, the last two as Director, and to have spent so much time with our guests. We really do see a different side of our pupils too, they show great maturity and emotional resilience, and work flat out all week while having fun at the same time!
I am leaving the school this summer to move to Newcastle so this was my last Westminster Phab as Director I will miss it hugely, but I hope to be back next year as a helper. They can’t get rid of me that easily!”
Katie – Westminster Phab
To view a short musical montage of further photos of the week, head to the link below.