Phab’s Holiday Projects Under Way

Phab’s exciting programme of Inclusive Living Experience Projects is well under way, with holiday projects for disabled and disadvantaged children and young people taking place through the summer and autumn. 

Each year, disabled children and young people or children who are disadvantaged in some way have the opportunity to go away with Phab to two fully accessible outdoor activity centres – Avon Tyrrell in the New Forest and Bendrigg Lodge in the Lake District.  Around 110 children and 90 volunteers and carers are taking part this year, making new friends and trying out all the different challenging activities, from zooming down the zip wire, to caving, canoeing, climbing and toasting marshmallows over a camp fire – all ending with a big party and special certificates to celebrate the different achievements of all the children.  Rebecca Hargreaves, Phab’s National Projects Manager, said “These Projects make such a difference to the lives of the children and young people, with their confidence, self-esteem and independence all growing as the week goes on.  The children have such fun together and their families see a real change when they get back home.”