Phab’s Val Conway attends the King’s Coronation

Val Conway, who guided and supported Aberconwy Phab Club for nearly four decades, attended the coronation of King Charles III on May 6th.

Val, 79, was in attendance at Westminster Abbey on the Saturday and we made sure that she was able to stay overnight in London and enjoy her weekend with her fiancee.

Val said: “It was absolutely fabulous. We had a fantastic few days, from start to finish, but the coronation was amazing. I was sat in The Quire aisle, just around the corner from where he was being crowned, and it was just so awesome to be there. I saw lots of people – Rishi Sunak, Lionel Richie… Lionel Richie touched me on the shoulder and said: ‘Well, hello!’ to me!”

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She was awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) in the 2021 New Year’s Honours List after being nominated by Aberconwy Phab and attended the Queen’s garden party last May. She was one of only 45 BEMs to be invited to the coronation.

Back home, she’s even had her own coronation of a kind, being dubbed “The Queen of Llandudno”!

We’d like to congratulate Val on this latest honour and salute her forty years of work and inspiration.